Create a new blog post on your Media 1 Exam blog called 'Videogames online assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks:
1) Copy and paste your feedback into your blog in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
Mark: 21
Grade: A*
WWW: This is a very good response that focuses on the
question impressively and uses the two CSPs to analyse the genre, marketing and
audience reception. There is detailed, confident and consistent reference to
aspects of the gameplay and marketing material. Use of media terminology is a
strength with consistent use of media language and lots of theory in discussing
the genre and construction of the games. I particularly like the paragraph that
focuses on Postmodernism and the reception of Sims Freeplay on audiences. Your
conclusion clearly summarises your argument and links very closely back to
Neale’s theory and you do well to interrogate this throughout.
EBI: This is a very impressive essay marked towards the bottom
of level 5 but not quite into the top section of this band. In order to get top
marks, you need to add a little more sophistication and clarity in your
response. This may be due to the online nature of this assessment and
completing this on a computer may have impacted how you structured your essay. Consider
interweaving your paragraphs of both CSPs within the same paragraph rather than
two standalone paragraphs.
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully - in particular the indicative or suggested content. Identify three specific points that you could have made in your response.
trailer of the game - sci fi genre - new and different - Neale's repetition and difference
The social media page for Sims being an example for simulacra
metroid nostalgia links to the marketing of the game - hints to Star Wars
3) Now read this exemplar answer. Write one thing that you can learn from this exemplar - it could be content, structure, writing style or something else.
CSP-specific knowledge (knowing the details behind the game's development)
4) Use your own response, the mark scheme, the exemplar essay and any other resources you wish to use to write a new essay plan for this question. Make sure you are planning at least four well-developed paragraphs in addition to an introduction and conclusion.
P1: Sims - Audience + Language
P2: Sims - Industry + Representation
P3: Metroid: Audience + Language
P4: Metroid: Industry + Representation
P: Metroid uses a sense of nostalgia to attract its audience through intertextaul references and age-specific marketing
E: Star Wars-like text on the front cover, the trailer for the game stating that it was an FPS but also had a new four-player mode
T: Steave Neale's repetition and difference
A: using new and old game modes to bring in audience creates a liminal space between the target audience and the developing 'new' audience
L: the way the game was marketed as an FPS game but also featured new modes cements how the genre is used as a device through which the audience are attracted through the marketing of the product.
5) Finally, identify three key areas you plan to revise for Videogames for the in-class assessment on Videogames after Easter.
better acedemic writing
small trivial facts
link more to the question
(industry + audience)
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