Thursday, 19 November 2020

Learner response: OSP assessment

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).


Fantastic knowledge of media theories and subject terminology. Good understanding of the CSPs and able to comment at length how both compare in reference to industries and representations.


For Q1 just go straight into the analysis of the unseen and apply knowledge of reception theory. For Q2 - could you argue how TV may be deemed hypocritical; as they run stories on capitalism yet they are a major conglomerate.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify three specific aspects from Figure 1 (the Google Home advert) that you could have mentioned in your answer (e.g. selection of image, framing and focus, colour, text etc.)

- The semiotics: colour, positioning
- class implications, middle class
- representations, no BAME rep

3) Now use the mark scheme to identify three potential points that you could have made in your essay for Question 2 (Hesmondhalgh - narrow range of values and ideologies).

TV using capitalism for profit - opposes their intentions
Mention gender/feminism 
Lack of fund for Voice mean that they cannot make a good website design, meaning they aren't seen as highly as the best source for Black British news as they should be.

4) Use your exam response, the mark scheme and any other resources you wish to use to write a detailed essay plan for Question 2. Make sure you are planning at least four well-developed paragraphs in addition to an introduction and conclusion.

Intro: Teen Vogue's industry - Conde Nast, digital convergance - The Voice's Industry - GV Media, niche website

P1: Voice supports Hesmondhalgh's comment because we see how their lack of funds and how the media has a narrow set of ideologies

P2: Voice opposes this veiw as it can be seen as thriving in a white dominated media landscapwe

P3: Vogue agrees because they practise a lopt of activism and support many movments

P4: Vogue oppose this view bc they are a conglomerate making profit from capitalism

Conc: Both TV and Voice agree with this but Teen Vogue supports this view more bc they make a lot of profit from this despite being funded and run by a conglomjerate

5) Finally, identify three key areas you plan to revise from the OSP unit (CSP aspects or theories) having looked at your feedback from this assessment.

Paul Gilroy's theories
Gender with Teen Vogue
Conventions of a website

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